Sunday, May 3, 2009

5 Ways to Optimize Blog Traffic

This is a list any beginning blogger will find useful. This will definitely help boost traffic, and optimize your blog setup for the greatest visibility for search engines.
  1. Keywords in Content: Using keywords in your post title is important, but you also need to use keywords throughout your post. Concentrate on the first paragraph then use variations of your main keyword throughout the rest of your post.
  2. Header Tags: The header tags are used when assigning a title, typically within a post. These title tags are have a numerical value associated with them that also indicates their importance, i.e. <> is used for your most important header; <> would be used for a sub title etc. Place the same keywords as used in your post title in the H1 tag then use variations of your keywords in h2/h3tags for optimum effect.
  3. Related Posts: When a person visits your blog you want them to stay for as long as you can. One of the best ways to keep visitors interested is to show them other content on your blog that may be related to the post they are currently reading. The easiest way to do this is with the “Related Posts” plugin.
  4. Use proper HTML Tags: Using “Alt” tags on your images and “Title” tags not only helps your search engine rankings, but it also helps disabled people with screen readers view the content on your site. It also can help your page be valid HTML (another thing that can help your SE ranking). I recommend simply describing the link/image and not trying to cram tons of keywords to boost your ranking.
  5. Build Backlinks:To get more traffic you need backlinks. Ideally other blogs will like what you write and link to you, but if you are just starting out and need a little exposure then submit your blog Other ways to get backlinks is via commenting on other blogs and using trackbacks.